Sunday, 8 March 2009

Progress Report: Week 1 of Temping work

now that i'm finally working and is able to pay for somthings.. like rent or bills.. i guess which ever is due first.. anyways.. first week of work... its at the Sandwell District General Hospital. yea man I'm temping at a hospital.. woohoo helloo nurses and docta's *wink, wink* nope... i'm at the office building.. no sexy nurses, no hot doctors.. just the typical office ladies in an secretartial office.. it has its up tho.. the ladies are well easy going and chatty.. the another of questions.. i must have been the a nice injection to their routine life but its cool chatting to them is my only source of brain stimulation. the reason is.. my task in this office is to re organise folder alphabetically and file documents. totally do not need my brain for most of the day.. a nice constant flow of coffee during the whole day or else i'm down and asleep.. its that boring.. and everyone knows it.. the office feels i'm doing well for pasting a week and making good progress sorting out their filing room.. it is very mundane and the pay isn't the best but end of the day.. i'm finally working, albeit, for a month but it'll help with the finances, and it gets me out of the house (which is also a good things since the electric bill came is was quite high!)

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Success!! Temp work sorted,,,

With the problem of my working holiday visa.. the time wasted looking for permanent jobs has sucked up far too much time.. and sadly my saving as well... luckily I've managed to sort out some temp work.. from who.. none other than the one recruitment agency that asked me to return and register my info into their database.. Randstad

its not what I'm looking for but.. it's work and also means... I'm finally getting some income flowing back into my savings.. its not a lot but its better than nothing.. its only for a month for now but again its better than nothing.. might save on utilities bill.. being at home 24/7 does mean electricity is being used..

does this however balance out with travel, food and other daily expenses?! dunno.. my girl and i are considering sharing the car as well.. she'll get it Mon, Wed & Fri while i get Tues & Thurs... i think its not a bad idea.. my girl need the car for those days so she can go to the gym after work..

I'm starting tomorrow.. I'm already feeling anxious.. my palm are actually sweating as I'm typing this blog as well.. go figure.. should be too bad.. first day shouldn't be to difficult... they just tell me what I'm suppose to do and just do it.. the question is.. what am i gonna be doing?! I'll find out tomorrow... wish me luck!! i have to wear a shirt and tie as well.. argh...

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Progress report to Option 2&3: Merge Part deux

Third batch came back rejected, technical issue and not up to their standards of quality.. one new reasoning... they had too much of that 'type' of image so unfair!

The alternative I mentioned before was to find another website.. and i did i've signed up to photobox it didn't have as much problems, however, i dont believe they have a strong selling presents as other sites do. photobox provide more of a photo album storage and cool features like print outs as a photos to mugs which are cool gift ideas. i'll probably have to find another site to upload to sell but atleast this one doesn't reject my photos.

Ahh ha! turns out there's sister site! Here is the link to my gallery on Photobox Gallery

Progress report to Option 2&3: Merge

I've done a bit of research on things i can sell.. from my previous blog i brain stormed the idea about selling my sperm or my girls eggs.. however, its not ideal.. from what I've seen you won't get much anyways.. and I'm thrilled in the idea that a random stranger hunts me down in the future and claims I'm his/her bio-parent.. heck I'm not in the right frame of mind to be a parent period..

the alternative i figure was to sell my photo's I've taken during my travels... turns out there are loads of photo selling website out there.. so after some further researching thought i give it a try. the first site i signed up to is fotolia its not the best place but its one of the more favourable to earn money off of.

I started to filtered through about 4-5 year's worth of digital photos that my girl or I have taken and i had manged to filter it down to about 2 thousand images that were landscape worthy. filter more to what could be sell able.. it took hours and hours and i got bored.. i figure they'll need to be approved by the site anyways so i decide to upload a batch first and that took hours and hours as well because not only i have to upload full res images that met there minimum requirements i had to individually set the key words so that the buyers will find my images. i initially uploaded 60 photos.. but deleted about 20 of them in the end.. fear they weren't good enough.. boredom kicked in a few times so there were at least 3 batches that were tags and 'awaited for approval'

a couple hours ago the first 2 batches were reviewed... and to my dismay.. all were rejected.. damn that hurt... two different generic rejection emails said that it was either wasn't up to their standard of quality or it had some technical problems. well that sucks.. those were good photo or so i thought of one of my days out, i had beautiful shots of a waterfall i went to a few weeks ago.. I'm still waiting for the third batch result but I'm pretty sure i know what they'll say..

i re-read their blog about what they want / what they don't want.. and I'm sure i met they minimum requirement and my shots were very good..percentage wise i thought at least some would be approved.. but nope none of the waterfalls were accepted.. with the amount of photographer that signed up to these things.. the competitivness of selling there shots must have been a huge factor and if that is the case.. my happy snappy camera might not be in par with the other member

maybe its just this one website that didn't like them... I'll try again with the same batch tomorrow at a different website.. hopefully the result from this/these other site would be better......

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Argh no bloody wonder!!

so the job hunting still a pain in the arse and here's a very big reason... because i'm here in uk using a working holiday visa.. non of the recruitment firms will look for permenant position for me one year working allowance isn't permenant enough. i told them if they sort me out a permenant job i will apply for a permanat visa than.. i dont want to spend moeny that are tied down to rent and bills for a visa app. but its like they cannot be arsed.. so i totally pissed i've wasted so much time not working and no one really explaining anything to me.

of course that doesn't explain the reason why i'm not able to get temp/contractual positions but atleast i know what i should target..

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Progress Report to Option 1: My attempt in finding a job

Progress to "Option 1 - Find a job"

i.) Searched online recruitment websites

I've signed up to:
general job recruitment site,,,,,,
Temping Agency

Probably a few more but I can't seem to remember or find their info on my email archive. and the best I've done so far was to get rejection emails! it totally blows!!

ii.) Walk in to recruitment agencies and hand in a copy of my CV.

I've also went around to the temping offices and oddly about 70% of them are so not face to face friendly they bloody tell me to go online and register instead. 29% takes my CV and I never hear from them. Here's the 1%, the other day tho, I went to Randstad and handed my CV to them and they booked an appointment to see them again for today to register... I went and get my details into their database. The dude and some of his colleagues were nice.. had a few leads they said they would try for me... encouraging progress but does that mean they'll find me work.. he said he'll keep in touch every Friday.. only time will tell...

First few steps to my millions

From my previous post, I've brained stormed a few ways to earn or generate some income.

Those were:

Option 1 - Find a job
Option 2 - Sell stuff
Option 3 - Do something online
Option 4 - Rob a bank

I've decided to research and pursue the first three options. The fourth options was too risky, I dont think I can rob a bank with a folk anyways.

Here's a brief summary to each option and the progress

Option 1 - Find a job

Most ideal way to earn a living, get a job, so what have I done to hit this target?

i.) Searched online recruitment websites

I've appying to loads of jobs since October. Positions that my previous exprience hopefully fit. Project Coordinator, IT Support, & Web Design seem to be the ideal ones.

ii.) Walk in to recruitment agencies and hand in a copy of my CV.

There are about 10-15 offices in town. All else fails or to the next big city (which is Birmingham)

Option 2 - Sell Stuff

What can I sell? do I have anything to sell on ebay? no, most of my stuff like my baseball cards, comic book collection are back in hong kong, hopefully still in good or mint condition.

body parts? nope still need them... my sperm? my girlfriend's eggs? dont need them... yet.. but what is the prices for items like that? must research further.. anything else that can be sold off? not sure at the moment..

Option 3 - Do something online

Online trading
Internet advertising
Affilate programs

further research required

that's all I have managed to figure out so far.. got a bit of a headache just thinking about it all..

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Life isn't always easy...

I've return to the UK since October 2008 to start a new life in here why? When my girlfriend goes back to university, I’m here to be her financial support and we didn’t want to do long distance relationship again. She goes back this September, so ideally, I had about a year to gain work experience, build a decent savings before she heads back into poverty as a student.

On that note, I have been trying to find a job since I've been back... no luck... yup bad timing on the travelling back to UK... stuupid global economy meltdown... As if my life isn't gonna be difficult enough as it is.. 5 months!! Not been able to find a job for 5 months and still counting!! How messed up is that... and to top it all off, saving now are nearly depleted and i have bill/rent and other expenses to sort out...

So... What to do? What are the options? What are the ways to generate some or any income?

Option 1 - Find a job
Option 2 - Sell stuff
Option 3 - Do something online
Option 4 - Rob a bank

hmm OK that's all I can think of at the moment... I'll get into further details maybe later... even though I don't have paid job... I should at least be a good boyfriend and clean up the flat before my baby gets back from work... yes, I can be quite domesticated at times... Definitely need a paying job soon... :S