Saturday, 21 February 2009

Argh no bloody wonder!!

so the job hunting still a pain in the arse and here's a very big reason... because i'm here in uk using a working holiday visa.. non of the recruitment firms will look for permenant position for me one year working allowance isn't permenant enough. i told them if they sort me out a permenant job i will apply for a permanat visa than.. i dont want to spend moeny that are tied down to rent and bills for a visa app. but its like they cannot be arsed.. so i totally pissed i've wasted so much time not working and no one really explaining anything to me.

of course that doesn't explain the reason why i'm not able to get temp/contractual positions but atleast i know what i should target..

1 comment:

  1. Oh dear, no wonder. D: Maybe you should invest in a proper working visa so people would look at you differently. :x
