Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Progress report to Option 2&3: Merge

I've done a bit of research on things i can sell.. from my previous blog i brain stormed the idea about selling my sperm or my girls eggs.. however, its not ideal.. from what I've seen you won't get much anyways.. and I'm thrilled in the idea that a random stranger hunts me down in the future and claims I'm his/her bio-parent.. heck I'm not in the right frame of mind to be a parent period..

the alternative i figure was to sell my photo's I've taken during my travels... turns out there are loads of photo selling website out there.. so after some further researching thought i give it a try. the first site i signed up to is fotolia its not the best place but its one of the more favourable to earn money off of.

I started to filtered through about 4-5 year's worth of digital photos that my girl or I have taken and i had manged to filter it down to about 2 thousand images that were landscape worthy. filter more to what could be sell able.. it took hours and hours and i got bored.. i figure they'll need to be approved by the site anyways so i decide to upload a batch first and that took hours and hours as well because not only i have to upload full res images that met there minimum requirements i had to individually set the key words so that the buyers will find my images. i initially uploaded 60 photos.. but deleted about 20 of them in the end.. fear they weren't good enough.. boredom kicked in a few times so there were at least 3 batches that were tags and 'awaited for approval'

a couple hours ago the first 2 batches were reviewed... and to my dismay.. all were rejected.. damn that hurt... two different generic rejection emails said that it was either wasn't up to their standard of quality or it had some technical problems. well that sucks.. those were good photo or so i thought of one of my days out, i had beautiful shots of a waterfall i went to a few weeks ago.. I'm still waiting for the third batch result but I'm pretty sure i know what they'll say..

i re-read their blog about what they want / what they don't want.. and I'm sure i met they minimum requirement and my shots were very good..percentage wise i thought at least some would be approved.. but nope none of the waterfalls were accepted.. with the amount of photographer that signed up to these things.. the competitivness of selling there shots must have been a huge factor and if that is the case.. my happy snappy camera might not be in par with the other member

maybe its just this one website that didn't like them... I'll try again with the same batch tomorrow at a different website.. hopefully the result from this/these other site would be better......

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