Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Life isn't always easy...

I've return to the UK since October 2008 to start a new life in here why? When my girlfriend goes back to university, I’m here to be her financial support and we didn’t want to do long distance relationship again. She goes back this September, so ideally, I had about a year to gain work experience, build a decent savings before she heads back into poverty as a student.

On that note, I have been trying to find a job since I've been back... no luck... yup bad timing on the travelling back to UK... stuupid global economy meltdown... As if my life isn't gonna be difficult enough as it is.. 5 months!! Not been able to find a job for 5 months and still counting!! How messed up is that... and to top it all off, saving now are nearly depleted and i have bill/rent and other expenses to sort out...

So... What to do? What are the options? What are the ways to generate some or any income?

Option 1 - Find a job
Option 2 - Sell stuff
Option 3 - Do something online
Option 4 - Rob a bank

hmm OK that's all I can think of at the moment... I'll get into further details maybe later... even though I don't have paid job... I should at least be a good boyfriend and clean up the flat before my baby gets back from work... yes, I can be quite domesticated at times... Definitely need a paying job soon... :S


  1. Don't fret. I had the same experience during 9/11. So what did I do? I learned how to drive a car. Hahaha!

    Besides that, I just keep sending my resume and hope that luck will find me. Keep your chin up and don't lose hope. You'll find one soon enough. :)

  2. *is laughing at the "being domesticated" part*

    Don't give up hope! You could always do some reviews online and add some ads to your blog. :)
